Natural Farming – Heal The Earth
Jason Scott Lee – The practices and philosophy of Natural Farming
Masanobu Fukuoka – Seed Balls
Jason Scott Lee – The practices and philosophy of Natural Farming
Masanobu Fukuoka – Seed Balls
As we move into a new year reflect on our place in the vastness of existence.
Happy Winter Solstice
In 1969 14-year-old Jerry Levitan snuck an interview with John Lennon.
38 years later director Josh Raskin and illustrator James Braithwaite collaborated to create this animated short film.
From “Sane Man” (1989)
From “Revelations” (1993)
“See I think drugs have done some good things for us. If you don’t think drugs have done good things for us then do me a favor. Go home tonight and take all of your records, tapes and all your CD’s and burn them. Because, you know all those musicians who made all that great music that’s enhanced your lives throughout the years? Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal fucking high on drugs, man.”
– Bill Hicks
“Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.”
– Jiddu Krishnamurti
A mathematical order to the intrinsic nature of the universe.
By Definition: Sacred Geometry
Geometry with sound and rice.
You may want to turn the volume down as the frequency rises.
Sound Vibration Creates Form
more from David Icke
The Sound of Sacred Geometry
more from Alexander Lauterwasser
One of the most powerful films I have seen. This amazing documentary has forever changed my life. We are all earthlings.
Other Nations – (Excerpt from Earthlings)
Earthlings Trailer